How people lived in Ajara in ancient times

About the program

           How people lived in Ajara in ancient times

  In the ethnographic space of the museum, the participants of the program will get to know the types of Ajarian houses, construction features, as well as models of granary and mills. The upper house will be descripted, which is very peculiar and significantly different from the plan of houses in other parts of Georgia. Attention will be focused on family inventory, hearth, as well as interesting information and folk traditions about the family, daily life. After main information, the participants will have the opportunity to create models of Ajarian houses with different materials, draw or color models of houses.

The program is intended for: V-IX class students.

Duration of the program: 60 - 90 minutes.

Time of holding: by prior arrangement

Contact person: Ketevan Putkaradze-577 17 97 25

Program Coordinator –Tamar Darchia
